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Why small is big!


Small towns rule! When the town of Orange, Massachusetts concluded they could not hold the annual Holiday Tree Lighting with Santa Claus because of COVID-19, the shop owners did not give up. The Orange Merchants Group, consisting of business owners in town, brainstormed a new event. The collective consensus . . . we must not disappoint the children.

Safety became the main theme, so the group devised an exciting event that families could participate in from their vehicles. Businesses in town will adorn their storefronts and, in some cases, homes with bright holiday decorations. Each business will have a sign in front of their establishment with a scannable QR code. A map will be provided marking each stop, in specific order.

Beginning on November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving, the 2020 Story Book Tour- The Night Before Christmas will begin and will remain functional through December 24th. Families may enjoy this free event at any time between these dates and as many times as you wish.

By scanning the code at each stop using your cell phone or tablet, you will be able to watch a section of the story, The Night Before Christmas, read by Santa Claus himself. It is important to travel the route according to the map, so the story does not get jumbled.

There may be a surprise at the last stop for those who choose to take part in the event the day after Thanksgiving- Friday, November 27th between 5pm and 7pm.

Please see more complete information about the Story Book Tour at:

Not even a pandemic can stop this little town from celebrating life, love, and family. We may have to be distanced physically, but the hearts of the people in this town have never felt so close. My small town does big things!



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