Although "A Big Al Bear Hug" holds a very special place in my heart, being the first book I wrote and published in honor of my late husband, this next book is my favorite story! "The Case Of The Missing Cooler" was based on an actual event that took place at our camp in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. While spending a long weekend there with my camp friends, overnight my cooler full of food went missing. It was an expensive cooler, and filled with steak, potatoes, eggs and all the food I intended to cook over the open fire pit. The cooler must have weighed close to sixty pounds with everything in it. Our first thought was that kids had stolen it thinking there was alcohol inside. It would have taken two people to haul it away. But our camp is in a very quiet area and it was unlikely that was the case. It was then that my friend noticed some drag marks on the grass, heading into the woods surrounding our camp. He followed the trail some three hundred yards through mud and broken limbs before recovering the cooler, unopened and intact. The only casualty was one broken egg! Later, as we sat around the campfire laughing about the situation, I began to write this story. Loosely based on the actual events, the culprit remains the same. You will have to read the story to find out who that was! I hope you enjoy it!
