Exciting news! My soon-to-be released memoir titled Close Enough to Perfect has received a Royal Dragonfly Award in the category of Biography/Autobiography/Memoir.
The contest is sponsored by Story Monsters LLC, and is described on their website as follows:
The Royal Dragonfly Book Award contest is a worldwide book competition that honors excellence in all types of literature and book marketing, recognizing creativity and hard work for a comprehensive list of genres in 71 categories. Our judges are industry experts with specific knowledge about the categories over which they preside.
I am honored industry experts have included my story for this distinction. I am blessed to
continue to receive immense support from those who appear on the pages of this book who are no longer with us. For that, I am truly humbled.
The official release date of the book is December 15, 2020 and is available for pre-order at www.closeenoughtoperfect.com
Join me for the official virtual book launch on December 15, 2020, 5:00pm EST on Facebook Live at www.facebook.com/BearHugBooks.net
